Goose Coin

About Goose Coin

Goose Coin is the currency that governs the Golden Goose Crypto Scavenger Hunt. It is the means for people to invest in the project, and it is the deciding factor on the project’s expansion into other cities.

There are two methods for obtaining Goose Coin:

  1. Solve clues and locate treasures. The first person to find each treasure will receive 10,000,000 Goose Coin as part of their prize.
  2. Purchase Goose Coin through a secondary exchange, such as UNIswap.


There are 1,000,000,000,000 Goose Coin in existence.

Four fifths of the total coins (800,000,000,000) will be given out in increments of 10,000,000 as prizes for finding the hidden treasures.

One fifth of the total coins (200,000,000,000) will be used to drive the expansion of the project through sales and promotions.


The best way to invest in the Golden Goose Crypto Scavenger Hunt, and to ensure its expansion into other cities, is to purchase and invest in Goosecoin.

Currently, the only way to purchase Goose Coin is through the UNIswap interface. In the future, as more people acquire the coin, more crypto exchanges will list the coin.